What to Expect
the Day of Your Surgery with Dr. Coscia
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Check-In & the Procedure
On the day of surgery, you will arrive at the surgery center in the Sacramento office approximately one hour prior to your scheduled procedure. One of our nurses will meet you and help you get checked in and change into operative attire. If you are undergoing general anesthesia, you will also meet the anesthesiologist, and he will talk with you prior to surgery as well. All of our anesthesiologists are licensed physicians who are board certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology. For many of the breast and body procedures, Dr. Coscia will also make surgical marks with a marking pen on you prior to the procedure as well. You will then undergo the procedure.
After the Surgery
As soon as the procedure is complete, the nursing staff will contact the person you have designated and inform them of the completion of the procedure and the expected time of your departure. Most patients spend approximately two hours in the recovery room after surgery. Once it is time for your discharge, a nurse will go over the immediate post-operative instructions and what to expect overnight with the individual picking you up.
Post-Operative Visits
You will then return for your first post-operative visit 1-2 days after surgery. In addition, there is always a physician from our office on call 24 hours a day to answer any urgent phone calls or questions. If a concern needs to be evaluated in person, we will have you come into the office or surgery center for full evaluation. Furthermore, Dr. Coscia as well as all the other plastic surgeons at our center have privileges at multiple hospitals in the area should the need arise.