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CoolSculpting Guide: What You Need to Know Beforehand

Have you heard about CoolSculpting yet? It’s the latest body contouring treatment designed to help you shape those troublesome areas that have always been difficult to correct on your own.  CoolSculpting is safe, effective, and best of all, cleared by the FDA for treatment of stubborn pockets of fat around the waist, thighs, and even […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on April 7, 2017

How Soon Can I Work Out After a Gynecomastia Procedure?

Gynecomastia is a medical condition that causes the enlargement of male breasts (also referred to as “man boobs”).  While the medical community agrees that gynecomastia can be caused by genetics, hormonal changes, weight gain, and even some medications, there’s no real predicting factor for who is likely to develop male breasts. For men who suffer […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on November 21, 2016

What Is The Recovery Time For a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck – also known as an abdominoplasty – is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area.  Additionally, the tummy tuck procedure can be used to correct laxity in the abdominal wall muscles that may have occurred during pregnancy. What Happens During the Abdominoplasty? The abdominoplasty is performed […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on November 21, 2016

Dr. Rudy Coscia’s New Practice Set To Open In March 2017

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rudy Coscia is pleased to announce that the walls are officially going up on his new practice at 8723 Sierra College Boulevard in Granite Bay, CA! Ground on this exciting project broke as recently as August, when Dr. Coscia announced that he was set to open a new 10,000-square foot plastic […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on September 20, 2016

Rejuvenate Your Eyes With a Blepharoplasty Procedure

For some people, undereye bags aren’t just a temporary inconvenience – they can often feel like a permanent part of their facial makeup.  Drooping eyelids and brows, undereye bags, and dark circles can all make a person look constantly tired and fatigued – not to mention older before his or her time.  These cosmetic issues […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on September 16, 2016

Do All Post-Bariatric Patients Need Surgery?

For many obese patients, the concept of going through surgery starts and ends with bariatric surgery, which is a surgical procedure that’s designed to help people lose large quantities of weight over a short period of time.  Common bariatric procedures include the lap-band surgery (where a band is placed around the stomach to limit food […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on September 16, 2016

Tip Rhinoplasty: What Is The Procedure?

Rhinoplasty has always been a popular cosmetic surgery; in fact, over 250,000 nose-reshaping surgeries are performed each and every year.  During a normal rhinoplasty procedure, the plastic surgeon may address the shape of multiple areas of the nose, including the bridge, tip, and radix. But what happens when you’re only concerned with how the tip […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on August 16, 2016

Why Board Certification Is Critical When Choosing a Plastic Surgeon

When it comes to taking care of yourself, you’re not one to sacrifice on quality.  You make sure you eat healthy, clean foods.  You make sure that your beauty and healthcare products are free from any artificial ingredients.  You even carefully research where you’re going to spend your next evening out… So why wouldn’t you […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on July 15, 2016

Questions To Ask Before Your Facelift: Top Ten Facelift Tips

It’s understandable that you’ll have a lot of questions before undergoing your facelift procedure.  That’s OK – in fact, most plastic surgeons prefer you to come into your facelift consultation with all of your questions! A facelift procedure is a major surgery, but has significant payoffs.  A facelift surgery can help address plenty of common […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on July 5, 2016

How Long Will Swelling From Fat Grafting Last?

Facial fat grafting is quickly becoming one of the most popular treatments at plastic surgery practices across the country.  This procedure involves harvesting fat from another part of the body – typically the thighs or stomach – and re-injecting that fat into key parts of the face.  This procedure is done to naturally enhance facial […]

By Dr. Rudy Coscia on June 15, 2016