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Preop and 6 months postop
This is a 20 year-old male who is 6’3” tall. He was bothered by the prominence of his nasal dorsum as well as the appearance of a plunging nasal tip. Therefore, he underwent rhinoplasty with dorsal hump reduction to reduce the prominence to the dorsum. The nasal bones were also infractured to narrow and reposition the nasal dorsum. In addition, the nasal tip was refined with a cephalic trim and upward rotation of the tip.
Preop and 1 year postop
This is a 29 year-old male who is 6’1” tall. At 14 years-old he broke his nose and never had it repaired. Because of this he had severe airway obstruction through the left side of his nose. In addition, he had deviation of his nasal tip from the incident that caused further breathing issues and was noticeable cosmetically. Therefore, he underwent a rhinoplasty with a septoplasty. His septal deviation was addressed and resected with placement of a spreader graft to improve internal airflow. In addition, the lower portion of his septum and his columella was repaired, repositioned, and supported with cartilage grafts to improve nasal tip position and improve airflow externally. His dorsum was also slightly reduced to improve profile contour.
Preop and 3 months postop
This is a 19 year-old male who is 6’3” tall. He presented to discuss improvements to his nose. He has had two previous rhinoplasty procedures. His initial rhinoplasty was to improve a large dorsal hump, make improvements to his nasal tip, and correct his septum for airway obstruction. The second surgery was to make revisions. He was still bothered by a prominent dorsum with a noticeable right-sided prominence. Therefore, a rhinoplasty was performed with a dorsal hump reduction as well as refining the right-sided prominence. In addition, the nasal tip was refined with a cephalic trim. Osteotomies and nasal bone infracture was also performed to further improve positioning of his dorsum.
Preop and 4 months postop
This is a 50 year-old female who is 5’ tall. She presented for discussion of possibly rhinoplasty. She broke her nose at 14 years-old and started having difficulty breathing through her right nostril. She was also bothered by the shape of her nose—specifically the dorsal hump and her nasal tip. Therefore, she underwent a rhinoplasty procedure. A spreader graft was placed to improve airflow and reduce the obstruction as well as resection of a portion of the septum. To improve the cosmetic appearance of her nose a dorsal hump reduction was performed plus repositioning of her nasal tip and columella with nasal tip refinement.
Preop and 3 months post op photos. This is a 40 yo female who was bothered by her boxy nasal tip and widened nasal dorsum. She also noticed prominences on the lateral aspect of her dorsum. Therefore, she underwent rhinoplasty with nasal tip refinement, dorsal hump reduction, and osteotomies with nasal bone infracture.
Preop and 6 months post op photos. This is a 44 yo female who presented with concerns of a significantly flattened tip with a widened alar base. She also felt that her nasal dorsum was too flat and wide. She underwent rhinoplasty with complete reconstruction of her lower alar cartilages with ear cartilage grafts in order to create a new nasal tip. In addition, her alar base was narrowed by performing alar wedge resections and placing a trans-alar cinching suture. Finally, her dorsum was narrowed by performing osteotomies with nasal bone infracture.
Preop and 6 months post op photos. This is a 23 yo female who presented with the concern of a prominent dorsal hump and nasal tip as well as lateral prominences on her nasal dorsum. She underwent rhinoplasty with dorsal hump reduction, nasal tip refinement and upward rotation of the nasal tip, and osteotomies with nasal bone infracture.
Preop and 4 months postop
This is a 33 year-old female who is 5’3” tall. She presented to discuss her nose. She was primarily bothered by the prominence to her nasal dorsum. She also wanted to slightly refine her nasal tip. Therefore, she underwent a rhinoplasty with dorsal hump reduction and nasal bone infracture to further refine the nasal dorsum. Tip refinement with a cephalic trim was also performed.
Preop and 8 months post op photos. This is a 27 yo female who was bothered by her dorsal hump, round tip, a wide alar base, and a plunging tip and wants to improve that. She underwent open rhinoplasty with dorsal hump reduction, osteotomies and infracture, cephalic trim and tip refinement, superior rotation of the tip, and alar base wedge resections with transalar cinching sutures.