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Preop and 1 year post
This patient is a 60 year-old female, standing 5’1” tall and weighs 98lbs who was interested in improving her face, brows and eyelids. Upon examination, she presented some slightly deep lines and wrinkles, brow ptosis, excess skin on her upper lids and aging to her jowls and neck. Therefore, she underwent a Rhytidectomy with SMAS plication and platysmaplasty. Anterior brow lift to address the drooping of the brows, along with an upper and lower blepharoplasty. For further facial improvements, Dr. Coscia performed full facial fat grafting to her wrinkles and fine lines.
Preop and 4 months post
This patient is a 69 year-old female who presented facial aging and was bothered by the underage bags and loss of facial volume. Therefore she underwent a facelift with a Rhytidectomy, SMAS elevation and plication, and platysmaplasty as well as a lower lid blepharoplasty. In addition, fat was injected into her face to improve some of the tissue loss that occurred through the years.
Preop and 4 months
This patient is a 66 year-old female who was interested in a facelift revision. Upon examination, she presented some recurrence of jowling and neck banding, malar atrophy and decent, deepened nasolabia fold and upper lid excess skin. Therefore she underwent a facelift with tertiary rhytidectomy, SMAS plication and platysmaplasty as well as an upper lid blepharoplasty. In addition, fat was injected into her face to improve some of the tissue loss that occurred through the years.